Elsipogtog First Nation

Sistema NB Elsipogtog centre opened in September 2016 at Elsipogtog Elementary School. The Centre now serves roughly 30 students. As of autumn 2022, the centre enters a new stage where in a broader and more significant way integrates in the curriculum and the repertoire the Mi’kmaq culture and traditions. The instruments that the children are learning are violin and drums. The language of instruction is English.

Be sure to visit our Facebook page for the most up to date photos, calendars, and information at:


Elsipogtog Centre Coordinates

13 Autumn Dr, Elsipogtog First Nation, NB E4W 0B9

Swan Serna, Centre Director

Phone: (506) 427 3911
Email: sserna@nbyo-ojnb.com

Teaching Artists

Amanda Contreras
Amanda ContrerasViolin
Swan Serna
Swan SernaViolin

Educational Assistant